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Adobe Creative Suite

  • Premiere Pro

  • Final Cut Pro X

  • After Effects 

  • Media Encoder

  • Photoshop

Microsoft Office

  • Word

  • Excel

  • Access

  • PowerPoint

  • Outlook


  • Avid Non-Linear Editing System




Darma Productions (Sept 2003 - Present)


  • Manage all production elements required to complete professional film and print (pre-production, production & post-production), with a focus on community and social issues, local and abroad.

  • Oversee all aspects of production, from conceptualization to completion, including research and development, location scouting, casting, scripting and storyboarding, filming and editing, and all required post-production for successful finished products. This includes managing and coordinating all crew and talent throughout the entire process.

  • Produce and direct over 24+ digital, short documentary, animation, live action film, and photographic productions, for public and private companies, for television, film festivals, and online usage such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and websites.

  • Create, develop, and continually maintain schedules and company records, detailed production documentation, and budget reports.

  • Network with potential investors and clients to ensure growth and continued sustainability in video production and client relationship management in both the public and private sector.

  • Produced, filmed, directed and edited a documentary focused on Padre Alberto, a positive influence in a nation known for its poverty and violence in Honduras.



Assistant Director/Production Assistant

Nimble Content/Holiday Films/Skin and Bones Film/Shouldice Media (Mar 2013  - Present)


  • Work on numerous professional, commercial and film sets performing various roles required on set tasks, from overseeing/coordinating talent and client, to fulfilling all crew requirements.

  • Maintain audio, video and lighting hardware, overseeing all software upgrades, ensuring gear is ready for filming. Work with crews to set up all lighting and sound requirements on set.

  • Provide all still photography required for ongoing projects.

  • Upload recorded footage, ensuring its integrity and detailed organization, creating and maintaining all required backups. 



Property Manager

Pie in the Sky/Wallace Studios (Oct 2016 - Present)


  • Manage retail property and film studio spaces, including Pie in the Sky and Wallace Studios in downtown Toronto.

  • Secure and maintain multi-million dollar studio assets such as lighting and sound equipment, ensuring entirety of property and gear is properly stored and protected.



PRESTO Community Engagement Coordinator/Marketing and
Communications Assistant

York Region Transit (Sept 2006 - Present)


  • Coordinate and manage over 250 YRT/Viva PRESTO community engagement events, including staffing,
    location permits and event logistics, as well as supervise over 20+ regional staff to distribute PRESTO cards
    of over $275k in payment transactions.

  • Attend public and private events (over 100+) to present and educate York Region residents on the use of PRESTO cards and various YRT/Viva initiatives. This includes visiting senior citizen organizations, local businesses, condo developments, political events and education institutions.

  • Develop and implement interactive PRESTO activities such as the PRESTO Cash Cube and PRESTO Plinko, resulting in many successful engagements with participating transit customers.

  • Created (produced/filmed/edited) and published several videos for transit users on the use of PRESTO cards and the new Mobile Pay App. The PRESTO training video is currently the highest viewed video on YRT/Viva’s YouTube channel, nearing 20k in views.

  • Orchestrate online marketing campaigns to accompany events, generating greater community interaction. This includes producing professional photographs for use on YRT/Viva’s social media outlets such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, as well as for print materials for marketing purposes.





Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) | York University

Theatre Acting Conservatory - 2006​


Certificate in Film Studies | Ryerson University

Ryerson Film School - 2016​


Certificate of Arts | George Brown College

Theatre - 2001


Transportation Radio License | Transport Canada


Emergency First Aid | St. John’s Ambulance 

© 2018 by FishyDesign
Proudly created with

  • Vimeo - Justin Darmanin
  • LinkedIn - Justin Darmanin
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